“The Guild of Hornplayers” has evolved from “Tony Halstead Horn Ensemble” which has been rebranded to reflect the direction of the group and its aims.The Tony Halstead Horn Ensemble which itself evolved from the “Cambridge Horn Consort” had a primary objective of performing horn repertoire at a high standard, under the direction of Tony Halstead, that would not otherwise be heard live.
The Guild of Hornplayers will:
- Focus on performance and recording of horn ensemble repertoire at professional standards, by the Guild Ensemble
- Increase the commissioning of new works for horn ensemble in many different formats, this adding to the many contributions over the last decade by Tim Jackson, Richard Bissill, David Mitcham and Pip Eastop to name but a few.
- Support the Guild Quartet (Pip Eastop, Hugh Sisley, Alex Wide and Martin Childs)
- Support educational and scholarship schemes both in the UK and internationally.
- Support a professional Wagner Tuba quartet, playing on a brand-new set of Finke Wagner Tuba’s
- Offer hire of its 2no. sets of Chinese Wagner Tuba’s
Membership of the ensemble will be by invitation.
Associate membership will be offered to all horn players and those interested in the horn. Signing up as an associate member is free and enables you to receive updates of concerts, workshops, new commissions and other horn related topics. Click here to apply